About Page is Under Construction
You know when something on your site is SO unbearably out of date
that it reflects poorly on you?
Our professional advice: take it down.
Nothing is better than something way off base.
If there’s a silver lining spin here, it’s that
same idea that we’re like shoemakers with no shoes
= so busy building other sites, we can barely manage our own.
(READ: our clients are winning in this situation, and isn’t that what really matters? Would you like to be a reason we don’t have an about page? Click here to start.)
Rob Balucas
founder & chief creative catalyst
Rob brings nearly 15 years of marketing and sales expertise spanning the likes of Nestlé and Costco to producing national speaking tours for NY Times best-selling authors.
Since 2011, Rob has focused on creating online marketing strategy with unified branding and messaging across all elements including website, social media, blogging, video, presentation, and print media.
He lives an active lifestyle as a triathlete, black belt martial artist, and coffee aficionado.
In 2015 Rob broke his back in cycling accident and has since started blogging as a paratriathlete. Track his journey here »